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Say goodbye to tedious, manual business tasks in SME operations

March 19, 2024
Minutes reading time

Efficient business execution and digitalisation are the keys to the long-term success of SMEs. Discover how Banqup can help you eliminate tedious manual tasks in business administration effortlessly. From digitising receipts to real-time collaboration with your accountant, save time and effort in five easy steps.

Say goodbye to tedious, manual business tasks. Check out these 5 simple ways to save time on your manual administration tasks. All are quick, easy and you don't have to worry about development costs or IT skills.

With Banqup, you get a ready-to-use solution designed specifically to simplify your business processes. Our user-friendly platform requires no complicated installation or configuration. You can get started right away and benefit from its many features without any technical knowledge. With Banqup, you save time and can focus on what really matters: Driving your business forward.

Improving SME business processes: Current findings and recommendations

Efficiency is crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as saving time and resources can help improve operations and promote growth. Running a business efficiently can have a significant impact on the success and growth of SMEs. Statistics show that efficient businesses tend to have higher profitability and are better able to compete in a competitive market.

The current findings from the literature on the digital transformation of SMEs, as outlined in the 2021 Annual Report of the European Commission on European SMEs, highlight the many diverse challenges and opportunities. Despite risks such as job losses and data breaches, digitalisation also presents the opportunity to integrate environmental, social, and governance goals, which is seen as an opportunity for brand strengthening and revenue growth.

According to a 2018 study by the McKinsey Global Institute, SMEs that optimised their operations and increased their efficiency were able to increase their productivity by an average of 20-30%. This enabled them to get more work done in less time while reducing their costs. UNCTAD's report on promoting international investment by small and medium-sized enterprises also underlines the importance of SMEs for economic development and emphasises their opportunities in global markets that are opening up for them thanks to increasing digitalisation.

Overall, it is clear that efficient business processing has a significant impact on the success and growth of SMEs. By optimising operational processes, reducing manual tasks and using modern technologies, SMEs can increase their productivity, reduce costs and improve their competitiveness. Efficiency is therefore a decisive factor for the long-term success of SMEs.

Optimise effective business processes with Banqup

By implementing effective solutions like Banqup, SMEs can optimise their business processes and adapt to the dynamic demands of the market. Here are five practical steps on how Banqup can help you do just that:

1. Say goodbye to the time-consuming typing-up of receipts!

Why waste valuable time on manual data entry when Banqup can do it for you? With our free Banqup App, digitising your receipts has never been easier. Simply upload a photo of your receipt and Banqup will do the digitisation for you!

These functions are specially tailored to the needs of small companies: In an environment where resources are often limited, automating processes such as receipt digitisation can make a big difference. Instead of spending valuable working time manually entering receipt data, entrepreneurs and their employees can focus on more important tasks that drive the business forward.

Banqup not only saves you time, but also optimises your daily processes. As soon as you have set up the automatic connection to your accountant, all digitised receipts and invoice information are seamlessly transferred to them. This enables efficient collaboration and saves time on bookkeeping and tax returns. Discover how easy it can be to digitise your receipts with Banqup with our step-by-step guide here!

2. Why manually input invoices when Banqup can do it for you?

Banqup not only digitises your receipts, but also your PDF invoices, which you can easily upload! Here again, no data entry is necessary, just a simple upload by email or drag & drop, and Banqup takes care of the complete digitisation for you.

Concentrate on the core tasks of your business while Banqup takes care of the tedious work of invoice entry. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses, as they often have limited resources and need to focus on running and developing their business efficiently.

By automating your invoice receipt, you can not only save time, but also reduce errors and ensure that your financial data is accurate and up to date. This is crucial to maintaining the financial integrity of your business and preparing for future growth. With Banqup, you can focus on the essentials while we take care of the rest.

3. No longer manually create each and every invoice...

Every time you create an invoice, you may have to enter every single line manually. This can be very time-consuming, especially for SMEs who often have limited resources. Without a smart tool like Banqup, all invoices have to be created from scratch and information such as company details, logo, payment terms, etc. have to be added to each document individually. Likewise, each product has to be re-entered on every new invoice.

Banqup significantly simplifies and accelerates this process. By entering your company details and settings in the system once, information such as company details, logo, etc. is automatically included on each subsequent invoice. You can also create a product catalogue to easily select products and add them to the invoice instead of entering them individually each time. Find out how to create invoices in less than a minute here!

4. Cooperate with your accountant in real time? Of course you can!

Sounds like a pipe dream, but it's actually very easy to do. You can connect Banqup to your accountant's accounting software to make it even easier for them to process your documents and finances. What does this mean for you? Fewer questions from your accountant, and more time for them to provide you with sound financial advice. Again, no IT knowledge is required, and setting up the connection only takes a few minutes. Step-by-step instructions can be found here.

5. Provide access to your colleagues.

There is no need for you to do everything yourself. You can add up to 3 users to your Banqup Premium subscription at no extra cost. For example, if a sales representative or accountant sends invoices, the account holder can grant them access so that all invoices are in one place. There are no duplicate documents and all data is automatically transferred to the accounting software. Manage access to your Banqup in the settings of your account.

As you can see, Banqup not only saves time, but also enables more efficient management of business processes.

Discover the many features and benefits of our Banqup platform by browsing our website. For further information or questions, please contact us via our contact form.

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